How Much Does It Cost to Send a Text to 88802 or a TxtUs Number?

How much does it cost someone to send a text to 88802?
It will cost them one text at their normal network rate. What exactly that is will depend on the individual’s network and tariff but is likely to be in the range of 8-12 pence. Sending a text to a short code is not included in a free text bundle tariff. So it will always cost 8 – 12 pence regardless of the network and tariff.

How much does it cost to send a text to a Txtus, virtual mobile number?
Texts sent to virtual mobile numbers cost one text at the sender’s standard rate. Texts are included in monthly free text allowance, so people on contracts will probably pay nothing at all. Pay as you go customers will be charged 8 – 12 pence depending on the network they’re using.