Create and Manage Text Marketer sub-accounts from an Administrator account

IMPORTANT: These functions are not available by default. You need to contact us to request your account be made an administrator account.
Although our accounts are designed to be able to run multiple campaigns, keywords, databases, etc. Sometimes, possibly for admin/accounts reasons, it is desirable to set up separate accounts for clients or departments.
Create a sub-account
Within the main menu of Message Box you will now see the option ‘Admin Functions’ is enabled. Click on this and you will enter your sub-accounts management area. To create a new sub-account, click on ‘Create Sub Account’, fill in the required fields and hit OK.
The ‘use this accounts pricing’ tickbox should be checked if you want to copy over the administrator account’s pricing structure otherwise it will be set up at default pricing. The ‘Promo Code’ box can be left blank or if you have a promo code or want to use your SMS Partner code fill this in.
Managing a sub-account
Once your sub-account is created, you will see all the details associated with that account, the name, username and password and number of credits. select it within the window and the options in the panel above will be made active:
Create Sub Account – click this to create another sub account.
Delete Sub Account – Click this to delete the selected subaccount
Credit Transfer – This is used to transfer credits between your main admin and sub accounts. Choose the account to transfer from, the amount of credits you want to transfer, then the account to transfer to.
Log in Sub Account – this is used to log into the subaccount itself, each sub-account works exactly like your main admin account.
Export – This creates a summary report for all sub-accounts and can be downloaded to a file format of your choice.
Transactions Export – This creates a report detailing the SMS credit transfer history of your accounts. Again, this can be downloaded to a file format of your choice.