Balfour Beatty Uses SMS for Internal Comms

Balfour Beatty uses SMSBalfour Beatty is using Text Marketer’s web-based business SMS platform as a low-cost and convenient way of communicating with members of staff.

More and more companies are now using the humble SMS as a way of getting messages to employees quickly and efficiently. There’s no more reliable way of getting a message across than by text. Over 98% of texts that are received are actually read. E-mail read rates struggle at about 20% or less. Even if the e-mail is from your boss, it’s far less likely to be acted upon than if you receive an SMS.

The web-based business SMS system is an absolute doddle to use. Setting up a free account takes less than 2 minutes. When logged in for the first time, users can see exactly what they need to do to send a text. Numbers are copied and pasted, the message written, the date and time selected, then press send. It really is as easy as that and SMS campaigns can be sent from just one screen.

A standard text contains just 160 characters. For most internal communications this just simply isn’t enough to get the message across effectively. Using MessageBox, Text Marketer’s business SMS system, you can send messages up to 612 characters in length. Long messages arrive on the phone as one text although they do use more than one text credit. If you send 612 characters for example, four text credits will be used.

Employees receiving texts that require responses, can simply reply to the text and their response will be rooted back to the sender via e-mail. All MessageBox accounts come when a free reply number.

If you would like to see how our business SMS system works, you can easily set up a free account. You will receive some free text credits for testing, so you can see whether it’s right for you before buying further text credits. There is no minimum order, so you can buy just as many text credits as you need. Text credits don’t expire either, so you have as long as you like to use them up.

We’re always on hand to help out if you need us, so please feel free to drop us a line or call us. Our details are on the contacts page.