Avalon deploys Database SMS Strategy

Avalon uses database SMSDatabase SMS 

Avalon Capital Markets is using Text Marketer’s database SMS platform as a way of getting crucial market update information to its customers. In a world that changes by the second, getting accurate and up-to-date market information to customers is essential for staying ahead of the competition. 
Using a database SMS system to send texts creates far more impact and texts are far more likely to be read than by sending the same information by e-mail. Read rates for SMS are around 98% while email lags way behind. On average, less than 20% of e-mails that land are actually read. We all know this from our own personal experience. When was the last time that you failed to read a text? 

Despite the obvious limitation of SMS having only 160 characters, it’s becoming increasingly popular as a way for businesses to keep in touch with their customers, prospects and staff. Stiff EU regulations that came out in 2003, prevents wide scale spam. The lack of spam means that SMS grabs people’s attention in a way that e-mail no longer does.

There is no cost to set up a database SMS system. All accounts come with some free text credits, so new users can get used to the platform before committing any funds. Users also have access to a free unsubscribe tool. This allows recipients to join a stop list by texting in a unique four letter code. The account will not allow users to send texts to people who have unsubscribed. It’s a failsafe system that means you can’t make a mistake and text someone who no longer wants to receive them.

If you are new to this, now would be a good time to set up a free SMS account. It will only take you a few minutes to get to grips with it. If you get lost, there’s loads of help in the account, including video tutorials. We’re always standing by to help if we can.

You might want to have a look at our short video The Seven Deadly Sins of Mobile Marketing. It’s a lightweight introduction to avoiding the most common howlers.