10 texting tips and how to avoid SMS howlers with Bond International Software

Bond Adapt SMS recruitment

Recruitment loves SMS and for very good reason. It saves recruiters time, recruitment agencies money and candidates love it as its discreet and convenient – it’s win win all round!
Now because of recruitments love for SMS and our fantastically low prices and wonderful SMS platform (your words not ours), many years ago we teamed up with the guys over at Bond International Software to provide you with a perfect recruitment and SMS solution for any agency.
Text Marketer and Bond International Software are both always keen to offer as much advice and support as we possibly can, and furthering this we have decided to offer a free webinar for anyone and everyone who wants to learn about how SMS can help in the recruitment world.
Subject: Top 10 texting tips and how to avoid SMS howlers
Date: Thursday 30th June
Time: 10am
So if you want to learn about SMS, pick up some useful tips and insights then logon and have a little listen… Register below
Register here
Happy SMS’ing