Fashion website crashes through pure success of SMS campaign

As you have probably guessed, we LOVE SMS and all things mobile. We love it so much because we know it works and how powerful it can be.

We have seen it help small start-up businesses grow to become established and successful, we have seen it help medium sized businesses develop and mature into large respected brands, and we have seen it help large businesses become giant market-leading household names…

SMS marketing genuinely helps businesses and that’s why we love it so.
Fashion retail SMS marketing
And yet again we have another huge success story here at Text Marketer with one of our customers…

Reem are a men’s clothing online retailer that stock an amazing range of some of the coolest clothing on the market and some of the biggest brands in fashion. And we managed to grab five minutes with them to talk about their thoughts on SMS marketing and their latest SMS campaign.

1. What do you use mobile marketing for?

We use mobile marketing for mass campaigns where there is a blanket offer for all. Examples are Black Friday and end of month/season sale periods.

2. What were your results? Did it go well?

All the campaigns yield absolutely fantastic results. In fact, it has the best direct response rate out of any marketing activity we do, to the point that it actually crashed our servers which says it all really.

Fashion retail SMS marketing
3. Would you recommend it to other businesses?

No business should be without an SMS campaign to keep their customers in the loop. In terms of deliverability it is brilliant and one click on your phone takes you straight to the website for your customer to start browsing.

4. How does it compare to other marketing channels you use?

As the text gets delivered straight to the device, it comes way above email marketing as there is no junk folder which many emails end up in. The response rate in terms of orders far exceeds that of email.

5. Do you have any stats from your last campaign?

We don’t really have any of the stats that we would like to share, however our last campaign was so successful it actually crashed our website because of the sheer amount of traffic generated from our message!

(I think next time we will use your spread send feature)

So I think you can see why Reem love Text Marketer and SMS marketing so much, and if you want to give it a try for your business then sign up here – it’s free!

And if you’re looking for an outfit for the weekend, then checkout Reem here.