The do’s and don’ts of personalising SMS campaigns

In today’s digital era, where attention spans are shrinking and competition for customer engagement is fierce, businesses are increasingly turning to personalised communication to cut through the noise. With SMS campaigns inherently having a more personal feel compared to alternative channels, it can be a powerful tool for reaching customers with well targeted messaging. 

However, personalised SMS marketing requires a delicate balance to ensure effectiveness without crossing the line into intrusiveness. So, let’s explore the essential do’s and don’ts of personalising your SMS marketing.

The essential do’s of personalisation

  1. Segment your audience

Segmenting your audience is a crucial first step. To create relevant and accurate personalisation, you must first understand the audience you are sending to. By understanding your customers’ unique characteristics, you can tailor your messages to resonate with their specific needs and interests. Segmentation allows you to send targeted promotions, recommendations, or product updates, with a far greater degree of accuracy.

  1. Use the recipient’s name

A deceptively effective tactic. Addressing recipients by their names adds a personal touch to your messages. It grabs their attention with a direct call out to that individual and establishes a sense of familiarity. However, ensure that the names are accurate and correctly spelled. Incorrectly addressing a customer can come across as careless or even spammy, diminishing the goodwill you were hoping to establish. A well maintained database is essential for all personalisation, but fundamental for details like this.

  1. Leverage past interactions

Utilise data from previous interactions to personalise your text messages further. Whether it’s referencing a recent purchase, acknowledging an upcoming event, or highlighting a previously expressed interest, incorporating this information demonstrates that you value and remember your customers. Also, it helps keep the experience relevant to your audience, fostering loyalty and trust, as well as increasing conversion rates.

  1. Optimise timing

Timing plays a key role in all marketing, but it’s particularly noticeable in SMS marketing. Personalise the timing of your messages based on your customers’ preferences and behaviour. Sending messages at appropriate times avoids interrupting or frustrating recipients. Analyse data to identify the optimal days and times when your audience is most receptive to SMS campaigns. By respecting their schedules, you increase the chances of engagement and positive response rates.

  1. Provide exclusive offers and rewards

By subscribing to your SMS marketing, your audience will expect a greater value from your communications compared to a less personal channel, such as email. As a result, using SMS campaigns to deliver exclusive offers, discounts, or rewards tailored to individual customers are very well received. This personalisation not only incentivises engagement but also reinforces a sense of loyalty and appreciation. Offering personalised benefits encourages customers to remain actively involved with your brand, as opposed to a passive follower.

The definite don’ts of personalisation

  1. Don’t send too often

While personalisation can be effective, bombarding customers with too many SMS messages can be counterproductive. Respect their inbox and avoid overwhelming them with excessive communication. Find the right frequency balance by conducting regular A/B testing and analysing customer feedback. Quality over quantity is the key to maintaining a positive customer experience.

  1. Avoid intrusive content

Personalisation is about creating a tailored experience, but be cautious not to cross the line into intrusive territory. The last thing you want is for your customers to feel like “Big Brother is watching”. Avoid discussing sensitive or overly personal matters unless explicitly relevant and necessary. Maintain a professional tone and respect your customers’ privacy.

  1. Don’t forget opt-In and opt-out options

Respectful personalisation begins with permission. Always provide clear and prominent opt-in options when customers subscribe to your SMS communication. Allow them to choose the type and frequency of messages they wish to receive. Similarly, include a simple opt-out mechanism in every message, empowering recipients to easily unsubscribe if they no longer wish to receive SMS notifications. Honouring these preferences not only demonstrates respect and builds trust with your audience, but also increases your conversion rate as your messages are only going to people who want to receive them.

  1. Avoid generic content

While personalisation is about tailoring messages, be careful not to fall into the trap of generic content. Each message should feel unique and relevant to the recipient. Avoid using generic templates that lack individuality and fail to connect with customers on a personal level. Craft messages that reflect your brand’s voice and resonate with the recipient’s preferences, increasing the chances of engagement and positive responses.

  1. Don’t neglect testing and optimisation

Your audience will naturally evolve over time, as will their preferences. In order to always stay in-tune with what they expect, a well-planned series of tests should be implemented. Regularly monitor and analyse the performance of your SMS campaigns. Test different strategies, such as varying message content, timing, or incentives. Collect and analyse data to identify what works best for your audience and make data-driven decisions to optimise future campaigns. Personalisation is an ongoing process, and refining your approach based on insights is fundamental to long-term success.

Personalised SMS campaigns are a powerful tool for you to engage with customers on an individual level. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can create meaningful and effective SMS messages and ensure your next campaign smashes your targets. Get in touch to learn more or try Text Marketer today for free.