Free Text Reply Number

All Text Marketer accounts come with a free text reply number.

Virtual mobile number

The free number differs from our unique-to-you txtUs virtual mobile number service in the following ways;

1. Texts to the number (replies) can only be routed back to you if you have sent the person a text from your online account. All texts to a txtUs number would be routed to you, whether you had sent them a message or not.

2. You will receive an email (if enabled) for each message recieved. You will be able to reply by email (which goes back as an SMS) but the emails will not track and display the entire conversation in the emails, as it does with txtUs.

3. There is no API availability with the free reply number.

If you all you need though are replies to your campaigns, the free reply number will be fine for you.

If you already have a txtUs number then please see our txtUs instructions.

How to use your Free Text Reply Number
You simply select your free reply number from the send screen as the Sender ID.

Your reply number will then be shown on recipients’ phones and they can reply in the normal way – the reply will be routed to your email address.

The email part of the system
Replies will be routed to the email address in your system (you can change this by going to Message Control, highlighting your free reply number in Inboxes and then clicking Configure in the top menu).

To reply to a person that has replied to your text campaign. Hit reply to the email and type in some text. All you have to do is remember to add ## at the end of the text you want to send back (this tells our system not to send any text after the ##, i.e. the rest of the body of the email). Now send the email.

You’ll see that the text you put on the email now goes back as a text message.

Your system is now configured for replies.


What does it cost to use the system?
There is no charge for using the number. You are also not charged for incoming texts. If you do reply to the email and send a text back to somebody then of course it is the usual charge for sending a message.

Why can’t people text the number directly and I receive their message?
The free text reply system works by sharing a number across multiple accounts. This is how we can make it free. So, when a text comes in on a free number we have to assign it to a receiver. This can only be done where we can see a message has been sent to that number and a match is confirmed.

Should you want to have full 2-way control, you should buy a txtUs virtual mobile number which will be unique to your account.