Business SMS

skebby sms

The SMS symphony: how to harmonise with email marketing

With our email inbox constantly saturated with marketing comms, SMS could be your biggest ally for reaching customers directly. Find out why email marketing and SMS marketing complement each other so well in our latest blo

Bulk SMS: the gift that keeps on giving

It’s that time of year again when we’re all looking forward to a warming glass of mulled wine, and the smell of chestnuts roasting on an open fire. The holiday season is upon us, and businesses everywhere are focusing on the…

Why should SMS Marketing be part of your communication toolkit?

If you’re new to SMS Marketing, there’s a whole heap of untapped potential waiting for you. When it comes to getting your messaging to your customers, you can’t just rely on one channel.  Email marketing has its place in almost every…

5 steps to effective call deflection

Guide to creating and implementing effective call deflection strategy to reduce costs while improving the customer experience.

Flash Sale! Get 10% Free SMS credits for limited time only!

So this probably isn’t the Summer we’ve all been waiting for, but with more businesses reopening things are starting to feel more normal. So, to celebrate Text Marketer are having a Flash Sale! We want to make it easier for you…

3 steps to ensure business continuity in a crisis

The overwhelming difference between successful and unsuccessful crisis management is planning. This post identifies the best practices for SMEs to ensure companies emerge from a crisis unscathed.

How to successfully manage remote teams

Business continuity is likely a top priority for businesses at the moment and here we have highlighted a few key points that you can follow to ensure that having a remote workforce will have minimal impact on your business.

Best practice guide: Creating a business continuity plan

Put simply, a business continuity plan (BCP) ensures a company can continue to function as normal in the event of a disaster. In this post, we detail 6 steps your company can follow to create your own BCP.

Super Spring Sale – 20% extra SMS

We’d love to say that Spring is around the corner and even though it is, the current grim weather sure is putting a dampener on things. So to make your days just a little brighter we’ve brought our Spring sale forward…