How-tos and Tutorials

See all our blog posts under the "How-tos and Tutorials" category.
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Maximising ROI with Business SMS

Once you’re up and running with a few solid campaigns under your belt, how can you grow the return you’re getting from your business SMS marketing? Measuring success Firstly, you have to establish what success looks like for your campaign. The…

Event promotion via bulk SMS: How to boost attendance

With Summer in full swing, many are making the most of the (slightly) better weather to promote their latest events, leading many event organisers to seek innovative methods to boost attendance. One tool that has proven to be effective is bulk…

Generate leads with SMS marketing

The goal of any profitable business is to generate leads and drive revenue, but in such a competitive market, how can you ensure that your message is heard loud and clear?

How to track the ROI of your SMS campaigns

Calculating the value of your SMS sends can help you make improvements going forwards, and can help you understand what your customers respond to the best.

How to win back customers with SMS

Winning customers and collecting their data can be extremely time consuming and costly. Admittedly there is no better feeling in the world than winning a new customer, especially if it has taken what feels like an age to get them over…