skebby sms

How to increase online sales: advice for retailers struggling with store closures

As with all successful businesses, the ability to adapt to external circumstances and customer behaviour is vital, here we have outlined some advice for retailers struggling with store closures amidst the coronavirus crisis.

ekmPowershop ecommerce platform partners with our powerful SMS

ekmPowershop is one of the UK’s leading ecommerce platforms – with years of experience in the ecommerce world, it seems like the perfect natural partnership. Their fantastic ecommerce solution is packed full of great website themes and helpful tools to help…

Ecommerce retail marketing: SMS vs Email the facts

Some years ago it would’ve paid to hedge your bets on how the traditional brick-and-mortar shops were going to get hit by the introduction of the internet and ecommerce shopping, as retail and tech experts made their predictions. Oh how they…