skebby sms

Make your SMS campaign win gold this summer

There are few sporting events that have the same ‘wow factor’ as the Olympics and Paralympics. And although we’ll never admit to anything being better than London 2012 –  we’re definitely excited to see what Rio has in store. The TV…

Game of phones – what wins the war, ringing or texting?

The mobile phone has beaten the dog to become our new best friend, or BFF for the more ‘hip’ readers amongst you. We love them. We take them everywhere with us, we even sit on the porcelain throne with them. The…

Big news for retailers! Shoppers are now…

For years now, we have been hearing and reading about the year of the mobile, mobile is going to do this, mobile is going to do that, but now we have some important information for retailers all over the world… 2015…

Sensational Spring Sale brings you free credits!

As we sit and wait in hope and anticipation for some nice Spring weather to land on our shores, we thought we would give you something to smile about in the meantime with our Sensational Spring Sale! With this weekend being…

Recommend a friend for 2,000 free SMS credits!!

Thanks for being a Text Marketer customer. With our great prices, service and the fantastic results you can get from mobile marketing – we have an offer for your friends and family, after all it’s good to share. And if you…

Playing spot the difference with SMS providers

We work hard and stay humble here at TM, but every now again there’s nothing wrong with a little trumpet blowing. Our reviews speak for themselves – read our reviews here And what stands out is that our system and service…

Wow – Another customer just used the ‘C word’

One of our account managers just finished a phone call with a very shocked expression on their face, a look of wonder and amazement, as a potential customer has just phoned in and used the ‘C word’. Now we have spent…

It’s a match! Your business has matched with Text Marketer

Congratulations! You have found the perfect business match, a match that is going to be able to elevate your business to new heights and success. A bit about your match… Although Text Marketer has been around for many years now, think…

Find out what customers really think in SMS surveys

Without wanting to sound like Professor Brian Cox, the world is always evolving and changing. Technology, fashion, trends, opinions are just some of the things that change like the wind, and ultimately end up influencing your business. Your business, products and…